Travel Media Awards
Consumer Publication of the Year – Online
Emerging Writer of the Year
WINNER! Queenie Shaikh for a portfolio which included Acapella songs and Alpine views: How Croatia transported me to the Pakistan of my childhood
TravMedia (UK) Awards 2024
Travel Media Website of the Year (inaugural award)
BGTW (British Guild of Travel Writers) Members’ Excellence Awards 2024
Travel Writer of the Year
WINNER! Kassondra Cloos for a portfolio which includes I asked ChatGPT to plan a trek for me. Then I did it and Here’s what happens when you buy a £99 ‘mystery’ trip on
Inclusivity Award for a piece of media in any form that centers around inclusivity
WINNER! Tracey Croke – Silicone boobs, queer history and Sydney’s best LGBTQIA+ bars with Kiama Blowhole
FINALIST: Rashmi Narayan – Legacies matter: Why one man turned personal artefacts from West Africa into a museum in Kentucky
Travel Feature of the Year – Europe
FINALIST: Anna Richards – On this Tuscan prison island, inmates are taught to make world-class wine
Travel Feature of the Year – UK
FINALIST: Shafik Meghji – The ‘desert’ of Kent: What we can learn from the history of Britain’s forgotten beaches
The Baubles
Freelance journalist of the year
WINNER! Queenie Shaikh for a portfolio which included The Detroit pizza story: A tasty slice of American history and Acapella songs and Alpine views: How Croatia transported me to the Pakistan of my childhood
Best Mentor
Highly Commended: Meera Dattani for work on Intrepid Travel’s Diversifying Travel Media initiative for
AITO (Association of Independent Tour Operators) Travel Writer of the Year media awards
AITO Travel Writer of the Year – Over 1,500 words
WINNER! GOLD: Ellie Fazan – Single, pregnant and traveling: My journey to solo parenthood via Sri Lanka
AITO Young Travel Writer of the Year
WINNER! GOLD: Leyla Rose – Have Hong Kong’s iconic dai pai dong seen their last supper?
AITO Travel Writer of the Year – Under 1,500 words
BRONZE: Holly Budge – “I’m not a female ranger. I’m a ranger”: Meet the women dedicating their lives to saving animals from extinction
FINALIST: Steph Dyson – Pablo, Who? The Medellín tour that shows the B-side of Colombia’s “Narcos” story
Inspire Global Media Awards
Positive Impact Storytelling – Outstanding Contribution
Special recognition award given to
Consumer feature of the year (online) – Africa & The Indian Ocean
WINNER: Lily Girma – Beyond safaris: Why it’s time for tourism to end the Disneyfication of Africa
FINALIST: Bella Falk – How bees became a former poacher’s saving grace in Kenya‘
FINALIST: Jamie Fullerton – How to join South Africa’s Boxing Grannies: The club punching against abuse
Consumer feature of the year (online) – Europe
FINALIST: Christoffer Åhlén – As mining threatens Sámi land, these Indigenous artists are fighting to protect their home
FINALIST: Tracey Croke – A way of life: How Slovenia got so green
Consumer feature of the year (online) – Asia, Australasia & Oceania
FINALIST: Arundhati Nath – Too good to be wasted: Meet the Indian chef who’s turning food scraps into gourmet bites
FINALIST: Phoebe Smith – Could this Japanese town be a blueprint for how we should all be living?
Consumer feature of the year (online) – Americas & The Caribbean
FINALIST: Helen Iatrou – How sailing is teaching these young Antiguan women to fly high
FINALIST: Steph Dyson – The future of the Indigenous Wayuu in Colombia is hanging by a thread. Could tourism be a safety net
Consumer feature of the year (online) – Global
FINALIST: JoAnna Haugen – Want to really ‘travel like a local’? Read this first
FINALIST: Joliene Carolina – Can travel help save the world’s most threatened languages?
FINALIST: Shivya Nath – How a hummingbird helped flip my focus towards climate action
Kennedy Awards: Excellence in Journalism
Outstanding travel writing award
WINNER: Tracey Croke – Silicone boobs, queer history and Sydney’s best LGBTQIA+ bars with Kiama Blowhole
IPW Travel Writer Awards
US Travel Association and Brand USA’s IPW Travel Writer Awards were established to honor outstanding work in print journalism for United States travel destination stories
Best US Destination Feature
FINALIST: Rashmi Narayan: Legacies matter: Why one man turned personal artifacts from West Africa into a museum in Kentucky
Bessie Awards by Wanderful
The Bessie Awards honor women and gender-diverse people of impact in travel who have contributed unique voices and work to the travel industry
Most Impactful Piece of Writing
For an inspiring, engaging, and community-oriented piece of writing that has encouraged dialogue and interaction in the last year.
FINALIST: Joliene Carolina – Can travel help save the world’s most threatened languages?
Solas Awards by Travelers’ Tales
Travel and the Environment category
GOLD: Pier Nirandara – The Sardine Run: Diving into privilege and accessibility in South Africa’s ‘Blue Serengeti