UPDATE (10 March 2020): The information in this article was correct at time of publication. Further changes to travel advisories, airline and border policies and other related issues have taken place since then. Please use this as reference only, and conduct your own research carefully and in line with current government and travel advisories.
Look, this whole coronavirus thing is making us a bit tired and anxious, and we’re sure you’re feeling the same. Ultimately, we’re not sure what’s going to happen over the coming months. Most of us will be OK, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be stressful and difficult. Here, we’ve collated some advice and information for anyone who has travel planned, or might be planning on traveling, over the next few months.
By now, you likely know the gist of coronavirus: It is going to continue to spread around the world (we’re just not sure how widely), 80-90 per cent of cases will be mild (many even asymptomatic), children appear to be spared from the disease, and most at risk are the elderly and those with underlying health conditions. At time of writing, we’ve had over 100,000 cases of the novel coronavirus (or COVID-19) worldwide and just over 3,800 deaths, the majority of those in China. For the majority of people reading this, the statistics are still very much in your favor—even if you contract the disease.
You also likely know how best to protect yourself: Regularly wash your hands (properly) and/or use hand sanitizer, don’t touch your face, cough into your elbow, generally practise good and respectful personal hygiene, try not to lick anyone who looks sick, do not lick anyone if you are sick. You know—that kind of thing.
That advice is all well and good for going about your daily life—but what if you have some form of travel booked, or even just had plans to travel in 2020? What if you’ve already dropped a couple of thousand bucks on flights and accommodation, or are weighing up whether or not to do just that? What then?