Alain Roussel, a nominee in Urban Adventures’ first ever global street food awards, hasn’t traveled much in his life but now, thanks to his literally world-famous sandwiches, galettes and crêpes, the world comes to him. Hannah Meltzer takes a bite.

It’s 9.30am on a Wednesday morning and Alain Roussel is holding court over his stand in the historic Marché des Enfants Rouges, the oldest covered market in Paris, in the heart of the now-hip Upper Marais.

As his son Jules sets out the ingredients for the day’s service—a gargantuan hunk of French ham, great wheels of Cantal cheese, baskets of fresh salads and avocados—Alain spreads a pleasingly gloopy batter across one of three cast-iron crêpe griddles. As the mixture starts to solidify, releasing a buttery aroma, the energetic 64-year-old looks up, smacks his lips, and says “miam maim!”

Right on brand. “Miam miam” translates quite simply as ‘yum yum’ and Roussel’s wildly popular stand is a place of simple pleasures. I am in the company of Arthur, a guide from day tour company Urban Adventures and all-round affable Frenchman, who introduces me to Alain’s simple but salivation-inducing menu.